About us

North Karnataka, locally known as Uttara Karnataka is generally dry with temperatures ranging from 8 °C to 45 °C and an annual rainfall of about 750 mm. The region is consistently experiencing unprecedented hot conditions culminated in the mercury soaring to a never-before high and particularly Gulbarga/Kalaburagi district has registered itself as the hottest city or sun city of Karnataka.

The region, is facing back-to-back drought and scarcity of drinking water. Agriculture is the main source of income for many families in the rural areas and it has become well-nigh impossible for them. Due to which the farmers are abandoning their ancient abodes, the land of their forefathers, for an uncertain life in the urban cities. In cities, where there is less vegetation and exposed soil, most of the sun's energy is instead absorbed by buildings and asphalt; leading to higher surface temperatures. Vehicles, factories, industrial and domestic heating and cooling units release even more heat. As a result, cities are getting warmer than surrounding landscapes.

The gradual increase in the proportion of people living and working in urban areas is affecting ecosystems, giving a birth to concrete buildings, resulting in cutting many trees and decreasing green cover in the rural areas. The quality of air, water is degrading as a result. With the decreasing green cover, Air pollution levels are also increasing. That's when a group of environmentalist consisting of software professionals, micro-entrepreneurs, and nature lovers came together and "Greenri" was born.


Projects Realized


Acres Conserved


Volunteers Involved


Trees Planted


  • 17 June 2016Greenri was born

    Group of environmentalist consisting of software professionals, micro-entrepreneurs, and nature lovers came together for toxic free future and "Greenri" was born.
  • 15 Dec 2015Tree Plantation

    Offline tree plantation campaign as a weekend pursuit in 2015